iStar version 6.10 | 5/10/2025 (Expected)- Form Changes
Investigators can now specify study locations from the HUD application in iStar.
- Changes for Committee / Staff
- Enhancements
Open up Log comment on Amendments for Lina Mayorga (DEV00002497)
Added the remote meeting link and instructions to the "Send Updated Reviewer Assignments" notification template.
Arcadia Review enhancement (DEV00002510)
"Submit For-Cause Audit Report or Other" activity added for the IRB. This allows the IRB to create new reportable events for Audits and other QA related items and assign them to IRB meetings.
- Bug Fixes
Scientific Review for main coordinator is not showing feasibility review questions (DEV00002506)
"Send Message to IRB" activity will no longer appear in pre-review states.
Ceded Application (section D) (DEV00002474)
- Misc
Fixed an issue during IRB review where reviewers could not move past page 2.
Fixed a bug in continuing review validation requiring question 1.2.1 to be answered when it was not being displayed on the form.
- Form Changes
Add Ability to specify species handled in Personnel & Adding a "Select All" button in Animal Handlers section (DEV00002004)
- Changes for Committee / Staff
- Bug Fixes
Fixed issue where IACUC renewals would occasionally throw an error message when attempting to submit it.
- Form Changes
New question added to Page 1 regarding work with polio and corresponding staff notified.
- Changes for Committee / Staff
- Enhancements
Update Biohazard Sign to indicate Primary Material for Human Cell Lines (DEV00002478)
- Bug Fixes
Various Fixes to the Biohazard Sign.
"Terminate" activity has been removed for renewals and amendments.
Users should no longer run into "Wrong class name used in poref..." errors when attempting to execute the "Assign Specialist" activity.
- Changes for Committee / Staff
- Enhancements
Update IACUC Rad Devices Section: Data Migration (DEV00002509)
The various tabs under RSC section now have "Type" as a Filter By option. It can either be: "Permit"; "IRB" or "IACUC"
Update IACUC Rad Materials Section: Data Migration (DEV00002482)
- Misc
Bulk Import RSC Trainings by USC ID (DEV00002463)
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